Meet Cristina!
Hi I’m Cristina and I’m from North Carolina but lived in Canada till I was 7. I have been riding for almost 12 years and currently compete in the jumpers with my mare, Studd’s MoneyPenny aka Penny. I also show in the equitation on other horses and was most recently 8th in the NCHJA Children’s Medal finals on a horse I meet the day before! I’m aiming for the 1.10s with my mare before I graduate high school in the spring and then plan to continue to ride and compete through college. I’m so excited to be a part of #TeamARMATEQ!

USA - @saraelizz1391
Meet Sara!
Hi! My name is Sara Pollack, and I'm so excited to be a part of #TeamARMATEQ! I'm an adult amateur rider, competing in the adult equitation and hunters. I have ridden all my life, but recently got more competitive after I took a long break from riding while working and living in NYC for several years. I have some big goals this year, including attending indoor equitation finals. I love seeing how many opportunities there are for amateurs today! I look forward to connecting with you all about our love for horses, this incredible sport, and #TeamARMATEQ!

Meet Blaire!
Hi! I’m Blaire, and i’m so excited to be a part of #TEAMARAMTEQ! I am originally from Bermuda but recently started showing in the USA. I have a large gray pony named Lollipop, and we just finished competing at Pony Finals in the large green devision. I also just imported a horse from Germany named Gentely. I am planning on doing the 3’3 equitation on him as well as the hunters. I hope in the future to be able to compete in Junior Hunter Finals as well as Hamel Finals and Jump Seat Finals.

Meet Mya!
Hi, I’m Mya! I have been riding for almost 5 years now with incredible horses. I worked with my first young project horse, Stay Well over the year, now riding Soups On The Table to full fill my dreams as an eventer! Super excited to be apart of #TEAMARMATEQ as I grow as a rider. Can’t wait to see what the future holds during the season.

Meet Emerson!
Hi, i’m Emersen Ripley and I am so excited to be apart of the armateq team. I have had a passion for horses and this sport for most of my life. I own two horses, Neptune and Enzo. I recently attended pony finals and Kentucky summer on my pony piper. As riding has been passed down in my family, I quickly caught on and found how much joy and passion this sport brings to me.

Meet Lily!
Hi, I'm Lily! I'm 13, and a jumper from Long Grove Illinois. I found my first horse, Babalu (Blu), 2 years ago who took me through the .80m, .90m and 1.0m. Blu is currently ranked 1st place in the IHJA A Circuit Modified Childrens Jumper .95m. I added a second horse, Cola OHF (Cola), to my team just this summer, and am now dabbling in the 1.10m. I spent most of the summer showing at Hits Chicago ending on a high with Cola, winning the Equifest II $2000 Junior Amateur 1.05m Classic. So excited to be a part of #teamARMATEQ

Meet Emily!
Hi my name is Emily! I am so excited to officially be apart of the #TEAMARMATEQ. My riding journey has been filled with so many amazing horses and opportunities that have made many of my dreams a reality. I mainly catch ride horses for barns in my area which has given me an immense amount of experience and knowledge with many different horses and disciplines. I'm very greatful for every opportunity I have been given including now being apart of such a wonderful company like ARMATEQ!

Meet Kaili!
Hi I’m Kaili! I’ve been riding for 6 years. I show training level dressage and I own 4 horses! Jp is the horse in the picture and he is my retired show horse. Then I have Horizon, Scooter(he has his own instagram @scooteringwithscooter), and Cash. Im so excited to see where my riding takes me and I’m just as excited that I get to work with #teamARMATEQ!

Meet carlee!
Hi! My name is Carlee Swann. I am a 17 year old junior rider currently competing in 2'6-3ft at hunter/jumper shows locally in Ridgeville SC. I am in my second season of IEA competing in the open 2'6 hunter division. I compete on my 18yr old OTTB Proper Event AKA Evan. I was lucky enough to get him a year ago and since then he has taken me from 2ft jumps all the way to 3'6. I hope to further my riding experience and go pro one day!