Meet #TeamARMATEQ: Canada

Canada - @maddieqeq
Meet Maddie!
Hi! My name is Maddie Quinton, and I am a 19-year-old equestrian from Calgary, Alberta. My horse "Fedex" and I competed in all three rings, but a highlight of our partnership was our 6th overall placing at the CET National Finals during the Royal Winter Fair. In addition to our success in the Equitation ring, we competed in the hunter derbies and the 1.30 jumpers! Recently, I welcomed "Lennox WV," an 8-year-old gelding, into the family, and I hope to compete in the U25/1.45s with him in the future! I could not be more excited to be an ambassador for ARMATEQ!

CANADA - @_onyx_equine
Meet Chelsea!
Chelsea is a rider/trainer based outside of Orangeville, ON. She grew up along the ocean outside of Halifax, Nova Scotia. She moved to Ontario in 2016 to chase her eventing dreams competing up to the Intermediate/2* level. More recently focusing on her passion of developing young horses and finding homes for retired race horses. She has plans to campaign her two geldings- Celtic Chief and Arthur GS mainly in the jumpers, while dabbling in the eventing world this season. When not working you can find her on the farm enjoying her horses, dogs and two children! Chelsea loves and stands behind the ARMATEQ line, she is looking forward to representing and teaming up with #teamARMATEQ.

CANADA - @georja.eq__
Meet Georja!
Hi, I’m Georja, and I’m absolutely thrilled to be an ambassador for Armateq! I’ve been riding for just under four years and am currently a junior rider. I’m fortunate to have six horses of my own, with Mojo and Cedar being my active show horses. During the summer circuits, I also get the chance to ride two of my coach's horses. Right now, we’re competing up to 1.25, but Mojo is steadily making his way to the top! I’m beyond excited to represent such an incredible brand, and I’m truly grateful for the opportunity! 💗

CANADA - @krista.eq
Meet Krista!
Hi! My name is Krista Harrmann and I am a hunter/jumper rider from Caledon Ontario. I’ve been riding for over 11 years, showing and grooming on the Ontario ‘A’ Circuit for most of them. I lease a 2014 mare, No Doubt or ‘Endi’, who I am looking forward to stepping into the 1.20m ring with this year. I also work with a young horse named Beau who I am hoping to show in the .90m classes this year. I am thrilled to be part of #TEAMARMATEQ!

CANADA - @equestrian_kailey
Meet Kailey!
Hey! I'm Kailey! This is Fergie and we ride out of Ontario, Canada. Fergie and I plan to accomplish lots during the 2025 show season. Some of our plans include showing on the trillium circuit in the hunter classes (which is new to me!), and dabbling in my roots of jumpers and eventing. I am also a team captain on the OCEA circuit, enjoying the opportunity to show during off season with my school! I am so excited to represent Armateq and the phenomenal products they’ve designed. YAY #TEAMARMATEQ !

CANADA - @pvm_eventing
Meet Poppy!
My name is Poppy von Maltzahn and I am an FEI event rider. I'm so excited to be a brand ambassador for ARMATEQ! My main horse, MHF Lady, and I enjoyed competing abroad in the UK last season and as a consequence of our good results we were named to the Canadian Development Team for 2025. This year, I have some new horses and with them exciting opportunities to continue to progress up the FEI levels. I can’t wait for the season to start!

Caption - @hailey_crockett.17
Meet Hailey!
Hi, My name is Hailey Crockett, My home base is in New Lowell Ontario Canada, Where we run a private boarding facility. I'm so excited to represent Armateq! I have been riding since before I could even walk and I have 4 horses. I currently compete in the 1.20m Junior Jumpers with my mare Empress Chin P! This season my goals are to continue to develop my two young horses!
I look forward to being a part of Armateq community and growing this season!

CANADA - @kfilkoeq
Meet Kelsey!
- Kelsey is a licensed EC Competition Coach in Cochrane, Alberta, living her dream of training, showing, and selling top Hunter/Jumper horses. Originally from Kelowna, BC, Kelsey has over 25 years of experience with horses; riding, working, and showing for many top coaches/riders in the industry.
- Kelsey’s primary focus is to nurture a partnership between horse and rider to create the full potential of both, resulting in a rewarding experience. Kelsey believes the key is to develop an understanding of your horse as your horse develops an understanding and trust in you! A positive attitude and her uplifting demeanour contributes to gratifying results for both rider and horse. Kelsey now looks forward to representing ARMATEQ in the Calgary and surrounding areas!

Meet Janelle!
I am a 16 year old equestrian, I have been riding for 8+ years! In 2022 and 2023 I was named the top rider of the Lighthouse Hunter Jumper series! I’m from New Brunswick Canada! I am a full time student who also works almost everyday during the school year and full time during the summer! I have a Black 21 year old OTTB named envy who I bought myself at 13 and I have payed for everything myself ever since! I’m looking to make our community more uplifting, welcoming and supportive!

Meet Juliette!
Hello! My name is Juliette Pacheco. I am 14 years old and currently based in Quebec. I jump 1.10/1.20. I was born in Canada but I recently moved back from Mexico. Riding is truly an art for me, I have been riding since a baby. I truly believe that you can connect and become one with your horse. I am really excited to be part of #teamARMATEQ!

CANADA - @starrynight.eq
Meet Hazel!
Hi, my name is Hazel, I’m 13 years old and I live in Southern Ontario. I’ve been riding since I was six. I was lucky enough to get my own pony when I was nine and started competing in the hunter ring. I got my ottb Holly a year and half ago. She is a natural and powerful jumper. Holly and I are competing in the Angelstone Silver Series this summer. I’ve been moving her up slowly in height, and this year we’re competing in the .8s and .9s. We’ll be spending most of our time in the jumper ring, but have done a bit in the hunter ring and derby. I’m very excited to be part of #TeamARMATEQ

CANADA - @sophiejames.eventing
Meet Sophie!
Hi! My name is Sophie, and I am a young rider from Ontario, Canada. My OTTB and I compete in eventing, and we have goals to upgrade to EV100 in the upcoming season. In the future, I would love to become a working student for a professional eventer in North America. I am so excited to be a part of #TeamARMATEQ and cannot wait for what the future holds!

CANADA - @lmiller.equine
Meet Laycee!
Hi! My name is Laycee Miller. I am from Magrath Alberta. I have been riding for 10 years. I spent the first 5 years of my career in the hunter world. For the past five years I have been in the jumper world. It was a great switch for me. Me and my horse Zara have been competing together for three years. With many placings at paramount equestrian and Rocky Mountain show jumping. I am so excited to be an ambassador for Armateq. There products are my absolute favourites. I can’t wait to have them with me in the show ring this year.

CANADA - @just_becky1996
Meet Rebecca!
I started riding when I was 8 down in Southlands little did I know how special of a community it was , from the people to the events! I started riding at private little barns then moved to the club when I started training with my current coach Kelsey McFarlane and her barn Collingwood Stables ! She has truly change my riding for the better from the horses I’ve ridden to the team experiences! My current horse Scout , who I just bought in October and we have had the most amazing journey from trail ridings to doing victory gallops this past show season! I can’t wait to see what the future has to hold for me and Scout!

canada -
Meet Sophie!
Hi! I’m Sophie, and I have been riding horses since I was five years old. I began working in Southlands when I was ten at different barns to pay for riding lessons. Since then, I have been developing my riding career and competing in show jumping. Currently, I mainly show in jumpers, but I occasionally show in hunters and equitation. I have also competed in lower-level dressage with my rescue horse, Foster who I purchased in 2018. I spend most of my free time at the barn schooling ponies or riding my other horse, London who I recently got in March of 2022. London and I compete at different venues across B.C. in the jumper ring. I can't wait for next show season to see what London and I accomplish!

CANADA - @bs.equine
Meet Blakely!
hi I’m Blakely, I’m a 2’6 and 2’0 hunter and I’ve been riding for almost 4 years now. I’m from Canada and I’m so excited for this opportunity to be a ambassador for ARMATEQ! my lease horse is named Finn and my biggest accomplishment with him is when we won judges choice in the 2’6 gamblers choice in the 2023 SSITS! I’ve recently ended my lease with him but I will most likely be riding a horse named Sasha who I’m enjoying riding! my dream is to ride in the Grand Prix one day and have a whole barn full of horses that can run free in a green field

Canada - @viksequestrianlife
Meet Victoria!
My name is Vik and I am a self proclaimed Hands On Horse Mom, Equine Bodyworker, and product aficionado! I am a long time equestrian, showing in the hunter jumper divisions on my horse Rio's Flirt W or "Flirt" on the A and Silver circuits in Ontario! Flirty is a 15 year old Canadian Warmblood who I have had for 6 years now! He is like a giant puppy dog who loves to spend time with me just hanging out or learning new tricks in exchange for some cookies of course! We are thrilled to join team Armateq as we have a passion for high quality equestrian products with innovation in mind!

Canada - @lois_eq
Meet Lois!
Hi my name is Lois! I’m a 15 year old canadian dressage rider. I have ridden for 10 years now doing a range of different disciplines but ultimately always coming back to my personal favourite dressage! I have 2 horses the first is Karlos (on the left) who I have leased/ ridden for about a year now I currently half-lease him but am hoping to full lease him before show season! Together we compete in first level dressage. We are hoping to attend a lot of shows this coming season. I also have a pony named Ladybug (on the right). I have had her since i was 9 years old and we have grown up together. We did the pony hunters for many years and now I am riding her whilst waiting for her to find a lessor. I have ridden since i was 6 years old and have never thought of doing another sport! It was love at first sight for me. I love sharing my passion for the sport through Instagram and Tiktok. I am so excited to now be apart of Team ARMATEQ!

Canada - @Silently.surviving
Meet Clara!
Hi, my name is Clara! I am a Canadian showjumper & developing 3-day Eventer as well as a proud member of Team ARMATEQ! I ride two horses, the first being a lovely warmblood by the name of Cro (show name: Capiche). She is my current showjump horse and though we are fairly new to each other, I hope to bring her to plenty of competitions this year! My second horse is an Appaloosa/Welsh Pony named Beauty (Show name: Supernova) who I am training to be my event pony. We have grown up together, and my parents purchased her as a small trail pony to be my learning horse when I was 5. Since then we have been constantly growing together, fighting many battles including severe ulcers and other medical conditions. Though these challenges were not easy, they have brought us closer together and strengthened our bond. Riding has been a lifelong passion of mine and it is my dream to share it with others. (Photo Credit: Jakob BD)

Meet Brandi!
Hi! I’m Brandi and I am a amateur hunter/jumper from BC! I started riding at age 5 and now own a 8 year old Thoroughbred mare named Aurora. I bought Aurora as a 3 year old off the track and have developed her myself into quite the phenomenal show horse. My favourite classes to compete in are the New Stride Thoroughbred Adoption Jumper Challenges because it gives me the chance to showcase how adaptable thoroughbreds can be to a new career after their track life. I also currently attend university and am on the way to getting my bachelor’s degree in criminology. When I’m not writing essays or competing you can always find me at the barn.

Canada - @Reina_eq
Meet Reina!
Hi i’m Reina Lopes, I live in Ontario. I Have 2 mares, My bay mare is 8 years old and her name is Porter aka Last Word CYB. My grey Mare is 5 and her name is Chai aka Chai Latte. This year we will be competing between 2 circuits, Trillium and prelude in the hunters as well as the Angelstone wild card! My goal for this season is to successfully take Chai through her first full show season and to go up to the 3ft at Angelstone with Porter! Our biggest accomplishment was winning a competitive hack class at the 2023 wildcard. I’m so beyond excited to be apart of #TeamARMATEQ.

Meet Sophia!
My name is Sophia Craig. I am a 13 year old albertan equestrian who rides mostly jumping, but also dressage and some western. I have been riding for 5 years now and I own two horses, Luna, a 12 year old retired showjumper, and Priya, my four year old who I’m training. I have competed in many shows with lots of success, as well as lots of learning. Recently, I took Priya to her first show and won grand champion on her. I couldn’t be more proud of my baby. I have owned and training two project horses, one of which is now owned and ridding by a 9 year old girl who does training level dressage and jumps up to 0.70. My biggest goal is to train Priya all the way up to the Grand Prix ring, but I still have a couple years to go. Thanks again for this amazing opportunity!Best wishes,Sophia

Canada - @johelm_eq
Meet Jordyn!
Hey, I’m Jordyn! I’m a hunter jumper rider from Ontario, Canada. I also do some occasional rodeos on the side! My horse's name is Nash, his show name is Hurricane and his race name was Terraxpress. He's a 17.1hh off the track thoroughbred who I restarted myself when I was 12 years old! Nash and I haven't done many big shows as training takes time, but our end goal is to show in the A circuits or above. I've been riding since I was 2 years old and even had my first fall then! I'm so excited to join ARMATEQ as an ambassador!

Canada - @emtobber.equestrian
Meet Emily!
Hi my name is Emily! I am a Canadian three-day event rider based in southern Alberta, and am so excited to join #TeamARMATEQ! As a dedicated Pony Club member working towards achieving my full A ratings, I also serve as a Regional Youth Representative for the Alberta South Region. I am deeply passionate about equestrian sports and empowering the next generation of equestrian athletes. My horses, Tehya (CWB) and Fizz (OTTB), are exceptional team mates. Together, we aim to advance through the levels in eventing, aspiring to eventually represent Team Canada internationally. I’m very grateful for ARMATEQ’s support and thrilled to be a part of a team that shares my commitment to excellence!

Canada - @avaamato.eq
Meet Ava!
My name is Ava Amato, and I am a 15 year old equestrian with nearly six years of riding experience. Horses have always been my greatest passion, and over the years, I have dedicated myself to improving as a rider while also prioritizing the well being and success of the horses I work with. The bond I build with each horse is what makes this sport so rewarding, and I strive to grow alongside them as ateam.For the 2025 season, I am leasing my horse, Aspen, and preparing to compete in the Silver Series at Caledon Equestrian Park in the hunter and equitation divisions, with hopes of entering select derbies as well. I welcome every challenge as an opportunity to learn and become a stronger competitor. I am beyond excited for the season ahead and all the experiences it will bring. I’m so excited to be apart of#TeamARMATEQ!

Canada - @sjc_eq
Meet Shannon!
I am based near Vancouver BC and began riding at NSEC. I have been riding for 8 years mainly under the guidance of my mum, Moira Ogilvy who was based on Vancouver island and showed internationally through the 1.50’s in the late 80’s-90’s. My current aspirations are to take my youngster to the 1.20’s in the next year or two! I am so grateful to have the opportunity to be an Ambassador for Armateq as I absolutely love my breeches and show shirts from them. #TeamARMATEQ